Dr Stuart Myers

“Sip til Send”:  Your Hydration Guide while "Fasting" for your procedure

The "Sip til Send" protocol allows you to sip fluids until you are called for your surgical  procedure.

What Can You Drink?
You may have any clear fluid, such as water, sports drinks like Powerade, and fruit juice without pulp.

How Much Can You Drink?
Sip from a standard ward glass (170mls), which should be refilled every hour. Stick to still, clear fluids only.

When Do You Stop Drinking?
Keep sipping until your ward receives a call from the theatre saying it’s time for surgery. It’s that simple!You should be encouraged to sip until surgery, but don’t force yourself if you’re feeling unwell or prefer not to drink.

Can You Have Hot Drinks?
On the morning of surgery, you may be offered a cup of tea or coffee, depending on your anaesthetic team’s discretion. But No MILK!! 

What About Food?
Don’t eat anything for 6 hours before your anaesthetic.

Can You Have Sweets or Chewing Gum Before Surgery?
No, avoid sweets and chewing gum for 6 hours before surgery.

Benefits of the "Sip til Send" Protocol for Hand Surgery Patients 

The "Sip til Send" protocol has numerous benefits:

1. Improved Hydration:
- Sipping fluids up to the procedure time maintains hydration, supporting overall well-being and aiding recovery.

2. Reduced Risk of Complications:
- Proper hydration can decrease the likelihood of postoperative complications such as nausea, vomiting, and electrolyte imbalances.

3. Patient Comfort:
- Allowing fluids helps alleviate dryness or thirst, ensuring greater comfort before the procedure.

4. Easier IV Cannula Insertion:
-  Maintaining hydration can make it easier for anaesthetists to insert IV cannulas, improving procedural efficiency and patient comfort.

5. Better Glycemic Control:
- For diabetic patients or those prone to blood sugar fluctuations, hydration helps stabilize glucose levels, reducing the risk of hypoglycaemia.

6. Improved Circulatory Function:
-  Adequate hydration supports blood volume and pressure, crucial for maintaining circulation, particularly for patients at risk of dehydration or low blood pressure.

7. Enhanced Recovery:
- Maintaining hydration supports better blood flow, nutrient delivery, and waste removal, all essential for healing.

8. Alignment with ERAS Protocols:
- "Sip til Send" aligns with Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) guidelines, promoting quicker recovery, shorter hospital stays, and better overall outcomes